Selasa, 31 Desember 2013

[Tempat Share/Promosi PS RO Ter-Update] Imitetaur Ragnarok Online ( Fresh ) OPEN BETA 11...

Imitateur Ragnarok
Imitateur Ragnarok 6:19pm Dec 31
Imitetaur Ragnarok Online ( Fresh ) OPEN BETA 11 Dec 2013

♣ General ♣

24/7 up time
Max Level: 255 ( Champion , Lord Knight , High Wizard , dll )
Job Level: 70
Max Stats: 250
Max Aspd: 193
Dex No Cast: 175
Base Experience Rate: 10000x / 10000x / Costum
Max Char Zeny: (1 Billion)
Maintown: Prontera


♣ Drop Rate ♣
* Normal Equip: 50% / Costum
* Mvp Equip: 30% / Costum
* Normal Card : 10 %
* MVP Card / Mini Boss : Disable
* Support Card


♣ Custom NPCs ♣
* Healer & Buffer [One Click]
* Job Changer
* Stat & Skill Resetter
* Event
* Warper
* PvP Arena
* Stylist
* Card Remover
* Repairman
* Badge Trader


*CPU Core: 3
*RAM: 1 GB #UP
*Space: 75 GB
*SVN: rAthena up to date
*Speed / Connection: 100Mbps


♣ Public @ Commands ♣
@commands, @go, @alootid, @autoloot, @autotrade @at, @changegm, @changeleader, @iteminfo / @ii, @whodrops, @mail, @noask, @time, @whereis, @duel, @invite, @accept, @reject, @leave

♣ Event Feature ♣
Kami memiliki banyak auto event yang bisa anda ikuti.
Dengan mengikuti event-event tersebut anda berkesempatan mendapatkan Badge yang bisa digunakan sebagai bahan quest.


♣ Freebies ♣
* Valkyrie Armor
* Valkyrie Shield
* Valkyrie Shoes
* Valkyrie Manteau
* 5x Field Manual 300%


♣ Guild Migrasi Reward ♣
# Minimal 10 Member

* Quest Item ( Upper , Middle , Lower ) [ Leader / Ketua ]
* Quest Item ( Upper , Middle ) [ Member / Anggota ]
* +7 Valkyrie Armor
* +7 Valkyrie Shield
* +7 Valkyrie Shoes
* +7 Valkyrie Manteau
* Actual - Yggdrasil Berry Box (10)
* 500.000.000 Zeny


♣ Facebook Reward ♣
* 10x Yggdrasil Berry Box
* Custom Item ( Upper , Middle , Lower )
* 50.000.000 Zeny


♣ Kaskus Reward ♣
# 100++

* Quest Item Lvl.1 ( Upper )
* 100.000.000 Zeny
* +6 Valkyrie Armor
* +6 Valkyrie Shield
* +6 Valkyrie Shoes
* +6 Valkyrie Manteau
* 15x Yggdrasil Berry Box (10)

# 500++

* Quest Item Lvl.1( Upper , Middle )
* 200.000.000 Zeny
* +7 Valkyrie Armor
* +7 Valkyrie Shield
* +7 Valkyrie Shoes
* +7 Valkyrie Manteau
* 50x Yggdrasil Berry Box (10)

# 1.000++

* Quest Item Lvl.1 ( Upper , Middle , Lower )
* 300.000.000 Zeny
* +8 Valkyrie Armor
* +8 Valkyrie Shield
* +8 Valkyrie Shoes
* +8 Valkyrie Manteau
* 75x Yggdrasil Berry (10)

# 3.000++

* Quest lvl2. (Upper, Lower, Middle)
* 300.000.000 Zeny
* +8 Diabolus Armor
* +8 Diabolus Boots
* +8 Diabolus Robe
* +8 Diabolus Manteau
* Diabolus Ring (2x)
* 75x Yggdrasil Berry (10)

# 5.000 ++
(Whisper Admin)


♣ Control Panel ♣

♣ Link Download Lite Client ♣

♣ Grup Imitateur Ragnarok ♣

♣ Custom Quest Imitateur Ragnarok Online ♣

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